Hello! Welcome to my blog!
My name is Gloria Damilola Odewale most people know me as Gloria but Dami is what I prefer. I am really delighted to begin this journey. As a young girl, I dreamed of the life I now have, I dreamt of more. I always knew I wanted to experience life a certain way; being happy, traveling the world, and above all, I wanted to be a mother.
Now, I want to share my dreams with you, I would like to bring you along so that you can experience my past and present with me. This means that, you will have an insight into what has led me here, the things/ people who shaped me, my experiences as a young girl, a woman and as a mother.
I want you to travel through time and womanhood with me, so sit real tight!
Your co-mama bear,
Damilola 🖊

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